Time-tested technique for a bold and fruity brew




The Pour over was created by Auguste Melitta Bentz in 1908. Dissatisfied by the over extracted & bitter coffee in her percolator, she began to experiment with blotting paper from her son’s school book and a brass pot punctured with a nail. This led to the Melitta Pour Overs – The cone shaped design that we are so familiar today.

The Pour Over is both a method & a type of tool used for brewing coffee. Hot water is slowly and precisely poured over coffee grounds in a circular motion, which then trickles down the funnel shape of the tool and is filtered through a paper into a glass container. A fine V60 filter is most often used resulting in fast extraction and higher oils content giving the brew a bright and fruity taste.



Minimum Equipment

  • Pourover Brewer
  • Pourover Jug
  • V20 Filter
  • Coffee
  • Hot Water

Optimal Equipment

  • Gooseneck Kettle
  • Scale
  • Timer
  • Thermometer
 Grind Size Coffee Water Ratio Roast Total Brewing Time
Medium - Coarse 1:15 Light or Medium 3 - 3.5 minutes


  • Coffee: 20 g
  • Water : 300 ML
  • Makes  1 Cup of Coffee


Step 1 - HEAT

Heat fresh water to 200° F using a thermometer. Or, bring water to a boil and let it stand for 30 seconds.

Step 2 - SET-UP

Fold down the seam of the paper filter and place it into the pour over cone so it lies flat. Rinse the filter with hot water & discard water.

Step 3 - MEASURE

Measure 20 grams of freshly roasted coffee beans. 20 grams is about 4 tablespoons or 2 standard coffee scoops.
Give it a gentle shake to even the bed.

Step 4 - POUR

Pour 40 ml of hot water (twice the weight of the grounds) in a spiral pattern so that all of the grounds are saturated. Wait for the coffee to bloom.

At 30 seconds, resume pouring water over the grounds slowly, first in a spiral pattern, and then straight down. Pour 260 ml of water and keep the coffee grounds fully saturated from start to finish.